
Friday, February 17, 2006

meme of 7

well this is the quite frequently seen meme of 7

7 Things I Can Do:
1. I can sit on the net for hours at a stretch. ( dont be in awe i have had some terrible backaches at times)
2. I can walk and walk long distances , and that too without anyone to accompany me.
3. i can pull the nuckles of my toes without using my hands.
4. I can make various kind of noices .( like i cud sing we will rock you in a kinda techno voice.)
5. I can sit silently in midst of a crowd and still feel solitary and land up in my sweet own world , not bothered what others are doing.
6. I can go on soing maths problems for 18hrs at a stretch. ( nb: dont even think to talk to me after that.)
7. well i can make faces just like jim carrey , well almost all of them . though cant entertain people because i lack the sense of humour he has.

7 Things I Can't Do:
this wud be easy.
1. I cant swim .
2. I cant ride a bicycle if someone is sitting on the carrier at the back.
3. i cant wake up ealry in the morning for more than a week .
4. I cant keep my clothes up to date , by ironing them regularly . the day i iron is when i realise i have no ironed clothes i could wear.
5. I cant whistle like the really loud ones , that you generally listen in an excited crowd. i can whistle the one that is used in songs .
6. I cant watch anyone fighting , like really fighting.
7. I cant watch the K serials. ( the popular name given to the indian melodrama soaps).

7 Things I Have In My Life Now That I Am So Incredibly Grateful For:

1. my parents . they are just great,and my sister . elder to me and my great pal.
2. The fact that I am an INDIAN.
3. my ability to think logically.
4. a sense of music (which i believe i have , coz i can understand the miniteas of it more than others.)
5. I dont have ego problem . i can be content with the fact that the other guy dosent want to think that what i say is correct.
6. a good temperament with a great ability to hit back. well i can tolerate a person to the max. limit and then when i take the action then i leave him stumped.
7. an image of an honest and disciplined guy wherever i go . i can make mistakes and yet no one thinks that i cud do anything wrong.

7 Things I Hope To Do Before I Die:

1. travel throughout India.
2. travel throughout the world too.
3. learn a form of dance , say slasa or flamengo , or whatever.
4. run across the country for no reason (like forest gump.)
5. contribute significantlyto the development of my country.
6. be able to play in front of poeple( i can play guitar and keyboards but havent yet perfected in it.)
7. make my existance felt in this world.

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